Monday, January 31, 2011

Swiss Chard Pancakes

After my earlier disaster (which actually turned out ok), I needed some cheering up. I had been eyeing some Swiss Chard pancakes from the new Dorie Greenspan book. Savory, warm pancakes. I knew those would cheer me up. They would turn my sad onion-y frown upside down.

I love chickpea flour pancakes. I love buckwheat pancakes. I love potato pancakes. And I love them crepe-y with sugar and lemon, too. I love pancakes. For dinner.

These pancakes were really delicious and different. Onion-y and hearty. Perfect with a salad. JA said she wanted to live inside her pancakes. I think she liked them.

Recipe here. I’d use less oil next time.


  1. Dang! I really need that Dorie Greenspan book!

  2. We put the leftovers in parchment paper sandwich bags and froze them. Just ripped open the bags and put directly on the baking sheet to reheat!
