JustAwesome has been experimenting for the past few weeks with chickpea flour and I’ve gotta tell you, I am really diggin’ it! I don’t know what excites me exactly but the texture and the flavors are just different, you know? Different then the same old, same old. It feels wholesome and homey and how often do you get your protein from your starch?
The recipes came from Madhur Jaffrey’s World Vegetarian: More Than 650 Meatless Recipes from Around the Globe and I have a very distinct feeling that we are going to be trying a lot of them.
Last week’s pancake was thick, like an American breakfast pancake, with onions, tomato and cumin mixed into the batter. It was so tasty. OMG! Almost like an Indian latke... But a bit too dry, it needed a topping. I thought maybe if we cut up some more tomatoes like on a bruschetta? Maybe a chutney? A yogurt? Definitely needed something. But not much.
We tried again this week, a simpler batter (sans tomoto/onion) and it was thinner like a crêpe or a dosa. JA pulled together some toppings from what we had in the fridge — a beautiful rainbow chard sauteéd presumably with garlic, some cremini mushrooms & shallots, and a jar of chutney that we picked up on Saturday at The New Amsterdam Market. JA had sampled it on a cheddar and chutney sandwich from our favorite cheesemongers...
Again, another great summer dinner. Light and fresh and simple. And on top of the stove. But if she buys any more flours, we are definitely going to have to move.
I love chickpea flour pancakes!